2010-2011 BOARD

President - Susan Polk
Vice-President - Tracey Long
Recording Secretary - Joy Ramer
Treasurer - Jean Gallagher
Public Relations-Deneen St. Amour
Mullica Township School Student Liaisons - Corey Kraft and Elena St. Amour
Meetings are the last Monday of every month at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.


Sustainable Mullica’s Rain Garden

After successfully completing the Rain Garden Specialist and Trainer Program through Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, Sustainable Mullica’s president, Susan Polk, and husband, Al, created a rain garden. This rain garden is located at 1701 Fifth Avenue, Devonshire, adjacent to a newly constructed pole barn.

Rain gardens are designed to soak up rain water from roofs, driveways, and patios. Rain gardens look like regular flower gardens but they are more. When it rains they fill up with a few inches of rain water that slowly filters into the ground rather than running off into storm drains. Rain gardens capture and filter stormwater and help prevent water pollution. Compared to a patch of lawn, a rain garden allows 30% more water to soak into the ground. They add beauty to neighborhoods and provide wildlife habitat.

If you have an interest in rain gardens please contact Susan at susanpolk53@gmail.com or 609.703.1700 for a rain garden tour and more information. Also visit http://water.rutgers.edu and search “rain gardens”.

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