2010-2011 BOARD

President - Susan Polk
Vice-President - Tracey Long
Recording Secretary - Joy Ramer
Treasurer - Jean Gallagher
Public Relations-Deneen St. Amour
Mullica Township School Student Liaisons - Corey Kraft and Elena St. Amour
Meetings are the last Monday of every month at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.


Upcoming Local Environmental Events

The Unitarian Universalist Center will be holding several environmental events this month, all open to the public. 
    1. October 10th- Sunday - 11:00 am- 10/10/10 Work Party in affiliation with the International 350.org Day of Climate Change Action. They will be having two tours of their soon to be LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified building for congregation members and the public. They will also be cleaning Pomona Road which they adopted and doing a clean-up of the grounds.
    2.  October 20th- Wednesday-7pm-The Social Justice Committee and the South Jersey Fair Trade Alliance will be showing the movie The Dark Side of Chocolate. Fair Trade products will also be available for purchase and light refreshments will be served.
    3.  October 26th, Tuesday- 7pm- Sierra Club Presentation- Christina Guhl will be showing the documentary, Coal Country and informing us about the relationship NJ has with the coal industry and what we can do about it. Light refreshments will be provided.
     The center is located at the corner on Leibig Ave and Pomona Road in Galloway Township (across from the new Stockton dorms).  For directions to the center, please visit their website at www.uucsjs.org

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