2010-2011 BOARD

President - Susan Polk
Vice-President - Tracey Long
Recording Secretary - Joy Ramer
Treasurer - Jean Gallagher
Public Relations-Deneen St. Amour
Mullica Township School Student Liaisons - Corey Kraft and Elena St. Amour
Meetings are the last Monday of every month at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.


2nd Adopt-A-Road Clean Up

Thank you to Al Polk, Michael St.Amour, Ro Fittipaldi, Roe Sprouls, Roseanne Lugg, Marci Galli, Joy Ramer, Lou & JoAnn Vitale, Dan Thoren and Anthony & Rusty Gabris for an awesome road clean-up.  Once again, we got a little exercise, a lot of trash/recycling and the good feeling of a job well done!  A special thank you to JoAnn & Lou, Ro F. and Joy Ramer for yummy treats that were shared during lunch.  I love all you guys!

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